Where Is The Best Place To Put A Desk In A Home Office?

Finding the ideal spot for your desk in a home office can greatly impact your productivity and overall work experience. Navigating through the maze of options can be overwhelming, but fear not, there is a perfect place waiting to be discovered. Whether you crave natural light, require tranquility, or prefer to be in the heart of the action, this article will guide you towards the best possible location for your desk in a home office. So let’s embark on this quest together, shall we?

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Factors to Consider

Available space

When deciding on the placement of your desk in a home office, the available space is a crucial factor to consider. Evaluate the size of the room or area you have designated for your workspace. Measure the dimensions of the desk you plan to use, including its height and width, and ensure it fits comfortably within the available space without making the room feel cramped.

Natural lighting

Natural lighting can greatly enhance the overall ambiance and productivity of your home office. Consider placing your desk near a window to maximize the amount of natural light that illuminates your workspace. This can help reduce eye strain and create a brighter, more inviting atmosphere. However, be mindful of glare and direct sunlight, as they can cause distractions or discomfort. Position your desk in a way that allows you to enjoy natural light without it interfering with your ability to work.

Electrical outlets

To ensure optimal functionality of your home office, it’s important to have easy access to electrical outlets. Consider the number of devices you will need to plug in, such as a computer, printer, or desk lamp. Ideally, your desk should be positioned within reach of electrical outlets to minimize the need for long cords or extension cables. This not only helps maintain a clean and organized workspace but also reduces the risk of tripping hazards.

Noise level

Another factor to consider when deciding on the placement of your desk is the noise level in your home office area. If you work best in a quiet environment, try to position your desk away from noisy areas such as the kitchen or living room. Consider the sources of noise in your home, such as appliances, pets, or street traffic, and choose a location that minimizes distractions. This can significantly improve your focus and productivity throughout the workday.


Privacy is an important consideration, especially if you frequently have video calls or need to discuss confidential matters during your work hours. Assess the level of privacy needed for your tasks and consider placing your desk in a location that provides a certain degree of seclusion. This could be a separate room, a corner of a quiet room, or a secluded area away from high foot traffic.


While it may not be the most crucial factor, having a pleasant view from your desk can contribute to your overall well-being and productivity. Consider the type of view you would prefer, whether it’s a scenic landscape, a serene garden, or simply a view of a wall or bookshelf. The chosen view can help create a positive and inspiring atmosphere in your home office, making it a more enjoyable place to work.


Ergonomics plays a vital role in maintaining your comfort and physical health while working at a desk. Take into account the height of your desk, the position of your chair, and the placement of your computer monitor. Position your desk in a way that allows you to maintain good posture and reduces strain on your neck, back, and wrists. Remember to invest in an ergonomic chair and keyboard, if possible, to further enhance your ergonomic setup.

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Efficient storage solutions are essential to keep your home office organized and free of clutter. Consider the amount of storage you will require for office supplies, files, paperwork, and any other items you need within reach. Look for a desk that offers built-in storage options such as drawers or shelves, or explore additional storage solutions like bookcases, cabinets, or wall-mounted organizers. Choosing a location that accommodates your storage needs can greatly contribute to a tidy and functional workspace.


Consider the accessibility of your desk in relation to the rest of your home. If you frequently need to access other areas, such as the kitchen or bathroom, throughout the workday, it is beneficial to position your desk near those areas. However, be cautious of potential distractions or noise that may come from the proximity to high-traffic spaces. Finding a balance between accessibility and focus is key for an efficient home office setup.

Room aesthetics

The aesthetics of your home office can greatly impact your mood, motivation, and overall satisfaction with your workspace. Take into account the existing decor and style of the room, as well as your personal preferences. Choose a location that aligns with your desired aesthetics, whether it be a dedicated home office room that can be fully customized or a more integrated space in the bedroom, living room, or kitchen. A harmonious and visually pleasing environment can make your work feel more enjoyable and increase your productivity.

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Possible Locations

Dedicated home office room

A dedicated home office room provides the most privacy and customization options for your workspace. This separate room can be designed and tailored to meet all your professional needs. Whether it’s a spare bedroom, a converted garage, or a purpose-built addition, a dedicated home office room allows you to shut the door and create a dedicated work environment. However, it may not be feasible for everyone due to limited space or budget constraints.


Placing your desk in the bedroom offers convenience and a degree of privacy. If the bedroom is spacious enough, you can create a designated workspace within the room, separating it from the sleeping area. This allows you to easily transition from work to relaxation without leaving the bedroom. However, it’s essential to maintain boundaries and ensure that your work area doesn’t interfere with your sleep or restfulness.

Living room

The living room is a versatile space that can accommodate a home office setup while maintaining a more integrated feel. Placing your desk in the living room allows you to be in the heart of the home, facilitating easy access to other areas and potential collaboration with family members. However, it’s essential to consider noise levels, as the living room tends to be a more social and active area of the house. Additionally, ensure that your workspace doesn’t disrupt the aesthetic harmony of the room.

Guest room

If you have a spare guest room that is infrequently used, it can be an ideal location for a home office. Placing your desk in a guest room allows you to have a dedicated workspace that can still function as a comfortable guest accommodation when needed. This maximizes the utility of the room without sacrificing privacy or functionality. However, be mindful of the need to declutter and organize the space to accommodate overnight guests.


A basement can offer a quiet and secluded space for a home office. The lower level of the house is often less frequented by other family members and can provide an environment conducive to concentration and focus. Adequate lighting and ventilation should be considered when setting up your basement office to ensure a comfortable and productive workspace. Additionally, it’s important to strike a balance between creating a functional office while avoiding a dark and dreary atmosphere.


If you want a more unique and secluded workspace, the attic can be a charming option. However, ensure that the attic is properly insulated, ventilated, and has suitable flooring to make it a comfortable year-round space. The sloping ceilings and limited headroom may limit your desk configuration options, so carefully measure the available space before placing your desk in the attic. Additionally, consider the ease of access to the attic, as it may require climbing stairs or using a ladder.

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Converted closet

If you have an underutilized or spacious closet, consider transforming it into a compact and efficient home office. This creative solution allows you to close the doors and conceal your workspace when not in use, maintaining a tidy and clutter-free living space. However, the limited space may require you to choose a smaller desk and reduce the amount of storage and equipment you can comfortably accommodate.

Under the stairs

Utilizing the space under a staircase can be a clever way to carve out a home office in an otherwise unused area. This tucked-away location offers a sense of privacy and seclusion, making it ideal for those in need of a quiet workspace. However, the compact size and low ceiling height can pose challenges in terms of desk configuration and ergonomics. Consider investing in customized furniture or utilizing modular desk solutions to make the most of the available space.

Unused corner

An unused corner in a room can be transformed into a functional and compact home office. This strategic placement optimizes the use of space and keeps the desk out of the main flow of the room. Look for corner desks or L-shaped desks that seamlessly fit into the available space and provide ample surface area for work. Additionally, consider utilizing wall space for shelves or storage to maximize the efficiency of the corner workstation.


For those who prefer a more integrated and multitasking-oriented workspace, placing the desk in the kitchen can be a viable option. This allows you to work while still being able to oversee household activities or keep an eye on children. However, it’s crucial to establish boundaries and minimize potential distractions, such as noise and food-related activities. Ensure the desk is positioned away from high-traffic areas and maintain a clutter-free and organized workspace in the midst of a busy kitchen environment.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Location

Dedicated home office room


  • Maximum privacy and focus
  • Customizable and tailored to your needs
  • Ability to create a professional ambiance
  • Dedicated space for all work-related activities


  • May require additional space or renovations
  • Higher cost and investment
  • Limited integration with the rest of the house



  • Convenient and easily accessible
  • Seamless transition between work and rest
  • Possibility for a quiet and secluded workspace
  • Utilization of existing furniture and decor


  • Potential for work-life boundary confusion
  • Limited space in smaller bedrooms
  • Risk of distractions and lack of privacy

Living room


  • Integration with family activities
  • Easy access to other areas of the house
  • Potential for collaboration and interaction
  • Utilization of existing furniture and decor


  • Potential for noise and distractions
  • Balancing aesthetics and functionality
  • Lack of complete privacy

Guest room


  • Dual-purpose functionality
  • Ability to accommodate overnight guests
  • Clear separation between work area and living space
  • Minimal disruption to existing rooms


  • Potential for clutter and storage challenges
  • Limited availability for guests if used as a permanent workspace
  • May require occasional reconfiguration for guests



  • Quiet and secluded environment
  • Minimal disruptions from other family members
  • Potential for a dedicated and spacious workspace


  • Limited natural light and ventilation
  • Requires proper insulation and lighting setup
  • Potential for moisture or temperature regulation issues



  • Unique and charming workspace
  • Secluded and private atmosphere
  • Potential for a separate entrance or staircase


  • Limited headroom and sloping ceilings
  • Insulation and ventilation considerations
  • Accessibility challenges

Converted closet


  • Concealment of workspace when not in use
  • Effective utilization of limited space
  • Seamless integration with the room’s decor


  • Limited desk and storage space
  • Potential for a cramped or claustrophobic environment
  • May require additional wiring or lighting adjustments

Under the stairs


  • Utilization of otherwise unused space
  • Privacy and seclusion from the rest of the room
  • Clever and unique office setup
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  • Limited headroom and compact size
  • Potential for limited desk and storage space
  • May require custom furniture or desk solutions

Unused corner


  • Optimized use of limited space
  • Integration with existing room layout
  • Potential for additional storage and shelving options


  • Potential for distractions from the rest of the room
  • Limited surface area depending on the size of the corner
  • May feel less private or secluded



  • Multitasking and overseeing household activities
  • Easy access to food and beverages
  • Integration with family interactions
  • Efficient utilization of existing space


  • Potential for noise and distractions
  • Balancing boundaries between work and home life
  • Limited privacy and separation from daily household activities

Recommended Placement Tips

Away from distractions

When placing your desk, consider the potential for distractions in the surrounding area. Position your workspace away from high-traffic areas, noisy appliances, or any other factors that could disrupt your focus. Creating a quiet and calm environment helps optimize your productivity and concentration.

Avoid direct sunlight

While natural light is beneficial, direct sunlight can cause glare on your computer screen and discomfort. Place your desk in a way that avoids direct sunlight during peak daylight hours. If sunlight is unavoidable, consider using blinds or curtains to control the amount of light that enters your workspace.

Near a window for natural light

Maximize the benefits of natural light by positioning your desk near a window. This not only provides a pleasant view but also helps boost your mood and productivity. Ensure that the window placement doesn’t interfere with your screen visibility or cause excessive glare.

Position away from noise sources

Reduce distractions and disturbances in your home office by positioning your desk away from noise sources such as the kitchen, TV, or high-traffic areas. If complete separation from noise is not possible, consider using noise-canceling headphones or a white noise machine to create a more serene and focused environment.

Consider traffic flow

Take into account the flow of foot traffic in your home and position your desk away from areas with constant movement. This helps minimize interruptions and promotes a sense of privacy and concentration. If your desk is located in a shared space, communicate with family members or housemates to establish boundaries and respect your workspace.

Check for electrical outlets

Before finalizing the placement of your desk, ensure that there are sufficient electrical outlets in the area. Having outlets within close reach helps maintain a clutter-free workspace and reduces the need for long cords or extension cables. Consider the number of devices you will need to plug in, such as a computer, printer, or charging stations, and position your desk accordingly.

Utilize wall space

Maximize the efficiency of your home office by utilizing wall space for shelving, cabinets, or storage solutions. This frees up valuable desk surface area and keeps essential items organized and within reach. Install wall-mounted shelves or hanging organizers to keep your workspace tidy and functional.

Optimize view

If possible, position your desk in a way that provides an enjoyable view. Whether it’s a scenic landscape, a calming garden, or an aesthetically pleasing arrangement of books or artwork, having a pleasant view can boost your mood and creativity. Remember to adjust your desk orientation to minimize distractions and maintain focus on your work.

Ergonomic setup

Maintain good posture and prevent discomfort by optimizing your desk setup ergonomically. Ensure that your chair height is adjusted to align your knees, hips, and elbows at a 90-degree angle. Position your computer monitor at eye level, and use a keyboard and mouse that promote a neutral and comfortable wrist position. Consider investing in an ergonomic chair, adjustable standing desk, or wrist support to further enhance your workspace ergonomics.

Ample storage solutions

Keep your home office organized and clutter-free by incorporating ample storage solutions. Depending on the available space, choose a desk with built-in storage such as drawers or shelves. Supplement with additional storage options like bookcases, cabinets, or wall-mounted organizers to accommodate office supplies, paperwork, and other essentials. A well-organized workspace promotes efficiency and minimizes distractions.

Finding the best place to put a desk in your home office requires careful consideration of various factors. Assess the available space, prioritize natural lighting, consider the location’s noise level and privacy, and evaluate the view, ergonomics, and storage options. Each possible location, from a dedicated home office room to a corner of the living room or kitchen, offers its own benefits and drawbacks. By following recommended placement tips and optimizing your workspace, you can create a functional and inviting home office that enhances your productivity and overall well-being.

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